Quantity: 80-100
New Year Picture is a kind of co國朋lored woodblock print which used新媽 to celebrate Chinese New Year (Spr森文ing festival).
The exhibit will introduce Chines理他e New Year to audience and help the舞呢m to understand the custom and histo話生ry of this festival. A好了fter that, the exhibit will interpr拍可et themes of New Year Picture in影南cluding the Countryside li會場fe, themyths and legends and 分話historic hero. Audience will also learn行志 the composition and co學間lor design of New Year 麗林Picture. They can print their own N年兒ew Year Picture in th我北e exhibition.
The exhibit is suitabl跳高e for the university m制子useums, libraries an暗做d local museums for interpret C請玩hinese culture and ac輛錯ademic research. At the國來 same time, this traditional Chinese長頻 artwork can also combine with c嗎會ontemporary art which will be match th謝中e needs of galleries and commercial spa吧歌ce.
Narrating the contemporary cul月樂ture in New Year Picture style li件火ke use the famous hero in western唱雪 culture as Menshen(些快threshold guardian). Sho窗木w this traditional art in a new percept地外ion.
Interacting event like New Ye朋大ar Picture printing can encourage th內海e participation of th信懂e audience.