The Guqin (Chinese seven樹舞-stringed zithers) is the most endu技鐵ring type of musical instrument in th音好e history of the Chinese people, with 體妹a recorded history of對是 over 3,000 years; it was 地飛venerated by members of the c近藍ultured elite in ancient China.動亮 The art of the Guqin itself is 中體rich and singular accompli音拿shment, and becoming one 厭從of the main musical symbol雜北 of the spirit of ancie慢業nt Chinese culture. It has even bee來睡n praised by many Western sch厭黃olars as the musical form the b業答est merges abstraction 我木and philosophy. In November 2003, 件東the Guqin was declare靜南d by UNESCO a ‘representative wor新近k of humanity’s oral and intangible her路愛itage ‘.
The Guqin in this exhibition with也來 their dates of excavation or manu海什facture covering over 視家2,000 years from the Western Han D紙外ynasty to the Republi會店c of China Era. Some 到少of them have profound 低暗origins and associations with 南照Tan Sitong and Zuo zongt票南ang. They have a high collecti事那on value and deep significance for 知水culture. The ‘Music of L能林ofty Mountains and Flowing Streams’ exh錢煙ibition is hopefully to lead more pe一厭ople to appreciate a唱飛nd experience the unique charm and p輛歌rofound significance for the art of 音好Guqin and even become connoisseu日銀rs themselves.